Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Program

While I was teaching English in Taiwan; I also registered for the Chinese Teacher Training program at the Chinese Language Center associated with National Chengchi University in Taipei. The program was 96 credit hours total for 8 weekends (12 hours per weekend) and it was pretty intense. We were given lots of info in 12-13 subject matters. It was good to have the resources but at the same time, there wasn't enough time to digest all the info in a short amount of time. At the end of the term, we had to pass a final exam, teaching demo, and a group lesson plan. Once you passed all the required assignments, then you would receive a certificate in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. I've never had the chance to take a college/or above leveled program instructed exclusively in Chinese Mandarin. It was definitely an interesting and memorable experience for me:)