Sunday, July 26, 2009

Highlights of 2009 - Taipei, Taiwan

I taught at a univeristy extension in Taipei, Taiwan at the beginning of the year for about 4 months. It was my first time teaching adult students, so I was very nervous before my first class. Thankfully I had very good students:) although they are all older than me, but they still gave me the apporpriate respect which was a huge relieve for me. Because I was there towards the beginning of Febuary, I got to celebrate the Chinese New Year. It's the year of Cow and they had the COW decorations everywhere in Taipei. Also there are lots of Pandas too because the 2 pandas in Taipei Zoo were gifts from China, so the people in Taiwan were all crazy about the pandas (in a good way^=^).

And I found this cool display at the airport! it has the Chinese zodiac with the corresponding years of birth. I've attached the pix above as well.