Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dream(s) Come True??

Do Dreams really come true? as we all would like to think so, but sometimes we really just don't know. For some people, it appears that their dreams and desires come so easily; but for others, it's seems to be a long-waiting-unknown process. Waiting plus unknown is one of the hardest combo in the meals of life. It stirrs up that fear inside of us, and if the process is lengthy, it can also cause emotional breakdowns and depression~ and it's definitely NO FUN!

While waiting and unknow-ing, there's something we're capable of doing as human beings, it may sounds cheesy, but we get to "HOPE". While visiting in VA, I got this shirt from Forever 21, I now call it the "HOPE shirt". It has the definition of the word HOPE on it and I got it just so I can be reminded and also be inspired to have "HOPE" in the time of waiting.

It says HOPE: To have a feeling, chance, desire, expectation or wish to do something or to make something happen...

Those living dreams inside of us; some of them we can work on to try to achieve them, while others are totally out of our control whatever the results would be. During this season of waiting and unknown, I can only take it day by day and work on reaching my dreams and goals, and hopefully one day when i'm close enough to reach them, I will be able to grab them!

Don't give up HOPE; Don't stop believing, and Don't ever stop DREAMING!